Why does hunger hurt?

Hand2Hand exists because a hungry child hurts.

Since beginning Hand2Hand in 2008, I have been blessed to link arms with people whose passion for this ministry equals mine. I know it’s because Hand2Hand is God’s heart as He unconditionally loves each of our students, and He enjoys using us to reveal His love to them!

Recently I was touched when I  read a poem written by one of our new church partner volunteers, Ellie Auble.  She had just started serving through Hand2Hand, yet she beautifully and quickly captured our mission:

Because a hungry child hurts…

Have you ever had the munchies?

Or a tiny hunger pang?

Then you spied just what you wanted, 

And to your feet you sprang!


Now pretend for just a moment 

That when you looked around;

In spite of all your searching

There was nothing to be found!


Then think about some boys and girls 

Who had no need of pretending.

For every weekend they were home

Their hunger was heartrending.


But now for many students

Weekend hunger’s in their past.

Since Hand2Hand is there for them

They’ve found relief at last.


Hand2Hand has made a difference

For many a hungry kid.

They now get good nutritious food;

More than they ever did.


But what is Hand2Hand you ask

What could it ever be?

It’s people helping hungry kids

To make their hunger flee.


Since God treasures every child,

And Christians saw their need,

They organized so they could help

These precious ones to feed.


Food is gathered in a church,

Where meals are put in bags.

They’re taken to a school

With no fanfare or flags.


Then helpers place the food

Inside of each child’s locker.

The list of kids who need this help

Is really quite a shocker.


Food and time are donated,

For Hand2 Hand’s faith-based.

All children who receive this food

Into God’s hands are placed.


The food and kids are prayed for.

Volunteers make sure of that.

Their work abounds with blessings.

Without God they’d fall flat.


God is working in Hand2Hand

Would you like to come alongside?

Please pray and ask God for wisdom.

Then trust Him as your Guide.


There are many ways you can help

And show that you really care.

But perhaps the most important

Is to offer up a prayer.


Each and every kid that’s helped

Because you choose to love;

May now or in the days to come

Bring praise to God above


-Ellie Aubel 2021