Hand2Hand exists because a hungry child hurts. A hungry child hurts academically, emotionally, socially, as well as physically. A student needs many things to perform well in school. It’s not just one thing, it’s many things.
It’s just like a seed. The most beautiful flowers and the tallest of trees all started off as a tiny little seed in the ground. But a seed needs many things to grow the great potential it has within: sunlight, good soil, clean air, and of course – water. If just one of these factors are lacking it can hamper the growth of the seed.
The same can be said of students. If even one need isn’t being met it can hamper their growth at school. There are proven studies that show that children who are hungry act out aggressively in school. They are faced with anxiety because they are not sure what they are going to eat over the weekend.
At Hand2Hand, we want to step into that need. We know that if we can meet just that physical need providing that bag of food to take home over the weekend then we can make a world of difference.
In our country, in our community there is no excuse for any child to be hungry and all we need to do is rise up and together provide food for children who are facing weekend hunger.
And not only that, at Hand2Hand we are faith based, so we are praying for these kids because we believe that every child is created by God and has a God-given potential.
So why wouldn’t we walk alongside children, provide food and give them a hand up so that they can excel academically and so that they can dream and reach their God-given potential.
Cheri Hondred
Executive Director & Founder of Hand2Hand