280 School partners
Allegan County
Barry County
Kent County
There are currently 12 schools in this directory
There are currently 13 schools in this directory
Mason County
Muskegon County
Newaygo County
Ottawa County
West Ottawa
There are currently 14 schools in this directory
There are currently 14 schools in this directory
Van Buren County
What schools are saying
"Students are coming in on Monday morning ready to learn and not complaining about being hungry." - teacher
"I think Hand2Hand is one of the most important partnerships we can make. Students don't get to the level of learning if their basic needs are not met!" - principal
"I can't believe the looks on students' faces when they find the food in their locker on Fridays! They are so relieved and happy to have this food to take home!" - teacher
"Thank you for your mission! Our students and families benefit weekly from your service.” - teacher
Your school can partner with us.
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